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Software Development Pitfalls

Software Development Pitfalls image
Software Development Pitfalls

“What are the 10 biggest software development pitfalls you have encountered?” This question was posed to me recently, and as I tried to answer it I found myself smiling as I recalled the long list of projects, small and large, simple and complex, good and bad, that have helped shape me as a developer over the past three decades. Most of my development career has been filled with long stretches of creativity, productivity and pride in the completion of a broad variety of useful and sometimes ‘special’ projects. But there have also been some hard lessons learned along the way, and some conclusions I can draw from the experiences.

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Data collection for the dreamer

Data collection for the dreamer thumbnail

Data collection for the dreamer

One of our past articles outlined some ways to organize your idea to help you find the right developer. Now we have some more tips that could come in handy after you’ve hired a developer. Anticipating the need for this information will allow you to prep in advance, sound like a pro, and keep the project advancing.

# General

Software Architecture: A Novice Intro to Designing Code

Software Architecture thumbnail

Software Architecture: A Novice Intro to Designing Code

Attacking any project in life usually requires some amount of planning, whether it's building a home or slinging code. What exactly is software architecture and why should we bother?

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# General

Musings on the Importance of UX

Musings on the Importance of UX thumbnail

Musings on the Importance of UX

Ever wonder what the "X" in UX means? Or maybe you know but the importance of it escapes you. We'll dive in with some thoughts, musings, and an expert opinion on the importance of the X.

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